Anjali Singh

Class of 2024

Double Major in SASAH and HSP in International Relations with a Module in Scholar's Electives

Favourite project so far:

My favourite project that I’ve done so far as a part of the SASAH program would be the video essay assignment from Professor Skinner’s class. This project is unlike anything I have made so far, and the essay allowed me to explore important and relevant topics through a creative medium.

Favourite thing about SASAH:

My favourite thing about SASAH is the sense of community and opportunities it provides. Alongside receiving information about exclusive internships and jobs, the tight-knit community that is created by the program is invaluable. It helps you find your place and make connections on such a large campus.  

Current/future plans you're excited for:

I am excited for my experiential learning credit, I have already completed half of it and it was an incredible experience. This credit offers an opportunity to get involved with the community and apply all the great skills I have learned through the program.